Saturday, March 28, 2009

The freakin' shoes are BLACK!!! Angela and I have this thing going about some shoes that Dakota owns. TO ME.....they look like faded black. TO ANGELA, they look navy blue. She and had made a little bet a while back to make it interesting. We have been asking around, and the results are about 50/50.

TODAY THOUGH.....I put the shoes on Dakota. He said "My blue shoes!". I said..."buddy...these are black". Then I said..."what colour are your shoes?". He said "Bluuuueee". I said..."NO....they are black". He then snapped back..."NO DADA....They not black....they blue....STOP IT DADA!". THAT Little PUNK!!! OBVIOUSLY I started cracking up and knew I couldn't tell Angela that he was on her side. SO....just to make myself feel better, I grabbed a stocking from Christmas that he plays with that is BLOOD red. I said "What colour is this?". Dakota said..."BLUUUEEEE". I said " don't even know what you're talking about! It is red...and the shoes are black". He didn't agree. Just so you guys know though...the shoes are black.

1 comment:

  1. you know you're married, when you start arguing about the color of a child's shoes!
